Actapro OD Tablet

Product Name: Actapro OD Tablet
Manufacturer:  Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Category:  Pharmaceutical
Strength :- 300mg


What is Actapro OD Tablet ?

Actapro OD Tablet is utilized in the treatment of heartburn. It likewise assists with easing bulging after dinners, torment in the upper midsection, and early satiety (feeling full subsequent to having a modest quantity of food).

How to use Actapro OD Tablet ?

Actapro OD Tablet is taken before feasts in a portion and term as exhorted by the specialist. You ought to continue to take this medication however long your primary care physician suggests. Assuming that you stop treatment too soon your side effects might return and your condition might decline. Tell your primary care physician pretty much any remaining drugs you are taking as some might influence, or be impacted by this medication.

Common Side Effect of Actapro OD Tablet.
The most widely recognized secondary effects are cerebral pains, looseness of the bowels, clogging, spewing, sickness, and rash. The greater part of these are brief and as a rule resolve with time. Contact your PCP straight away in the event that you are at all worried about any of these aftereffects. Way of life changes like decreasing smoking, expanding exercise, and a sound eating regimen will assist you with come by improved results.

Precautions :-
Pregnant or breastfeeding ladies ought to likewise counsel their primary care physician prior to taking this medication. Prior to taking this medication, you ought to inform your primary care physician as to whether you have liver and kidney issues…..Know More

Product Name: Actapro OD Tablet
Manufacturer:  Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
Category:  Pharmaceutical
Strength :- 300mg

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